Dec 19, 2024
In the Star Trek: Voyager episode “Riddles," we're faced with a challenging question: when is a Vulcan not a Vulcan? Seven has one kind answer, Neelix another. But it's an altered version of Tuvok whose answer matters the most. Does he like who he has become, or does he want to be who he was? Mission Log...
Dec 12, 2024
In the Star Trek: Voyager episode “Alice," Tom spends a little too much time with his new obsession, making B'Elanna suspicious and jealous. To be fair, he has been neurally linked to a homicidal, AI-driven shuttle, but who can resist that classic hull plating and superior handling? "Alice" goes into the Mission Log.
Dec 5, 2024
In the Star Trek: Voyager episode “Tinker Tenor Doctor Spy," aliens mistake the Doctor's daydreams for his real life. From opera to art to defeating the Borg, there's nothing he can't do. When the threat becomes real though, the ECH has to put his command skills to the test. "Tinker Tenor Doctor Spy" goes into the...
Nov 21, 2024
In the Star Trek: Voyager episode “Barge of the Dead," B'Elanna is in a terrible accident that sends her to the Klingon afterlife. When the doctor revives her though, B'Elanna wants to go back in order to take care of some unfinished business with her mother. An eternity in Gre'thor or Sto-vo-kor is on the line...
Nov 14, 2024
In the Star Trek: Voyager episode “Survival Instinct," Voyager welcomes aboard an eclectic mix of visitors, three of whom are old friends of Seven. Well, "friends" might be the wrong word. They're ex-Borg, and they want Seven's help whether she's willing or not. "Survival Instinct" goes into the Mission Log.
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