Apr 30, 2020
In the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode, "Accession," great news! A long-lost Bajoran poet emerges from the wormhole convinced he is the Emissary. Bad news though, he's wasting no time in using the power of faith to upend Bajoran society. Sisko will have to take things back into his - and the prophets' - hands.
Apr 27, 2020
Mission Log welcomes an extended interview by our partner podcast, Shabam!, with Dr. Anand Swaminathan discussing the complicated issues around coronavirus. Logically, it's Trek-related too! Hear how The Wrath of Khan ties in and stick around for Dr. Swami's fun Leonard Nimoy story.
Hosted by John Champion & Norman...
Apr 23, 2020
In the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode, "Bar Association," working at Quark's Bar is tough, but Quark doesn't seem to care. When Rom has had enough, he's inspired to do something that breaks thousands of years of Ferengi tradition - unionize!
Hosted by John Champion & Norman Lao
Welcome to Mission Log, a...
Apr 16, 2020
In the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode, "Sons of Mogh," Worf's brother, Kurn, has a simple request - kill him. So Worf does, or at least he tries to before Odo and Dax can save him. Kurn is only made more miserable so is there a resolution to save a life and save face?
Hosted by John Champion & Norman Lao
Welcome to...
Apr 9, 2020
In the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode, "Return To Grace," Gul Dukat has lost nearly everything - his family, his title, his authority. He does still have his daughter though, and an excess of confidence. With Kira on his side, maybe he'll be able to regain some of that old glory - or at least blow up some Klingons...